Tools and Services...
This site provides authorized users global access to DevOps tools and services, hosted on private cloud at Alacrity. Some of the services are hosted on the in-house kubernetes cluster. Please note that some services are restricted to authorized users only. For these restricted services, you will be required to login using your corporate login and password.
1. Jenkins CI Service...
Secure, self hosted Jenkins CI server (2.x LTS), hosted as a kubernetes pod having NFS PV (persistent volume) for data with Multi-Branch seed job. Job creation using UI is not allowed.
2. Sonarqube Quality scanner Service...
Secure, self hosted SonarQube server, hosted as a kubernetes pod with a NFS PV (persistent volume) for data. Project should pass quality gateways to be deployed.
Latest News
We have moved to Google Cloud Platform and use them for our services. We are now 100% GCP based using kubernetes as the base service.